Gangguan Jiwa, Pria Ini Berniat Menikahi Salah Satu Mainan Balonnya

Mengoleksi mainan favorit sejak kecil hingga dewasa mungkin masih dianggap wajar tapi bagaimana jika ada seorang pria yang hidup dengan mainan kesukaannya hingga berniat menikahi salah satunya? Hal ini terjadi pada seorang pemuda asal AS bernama Mark.

Pemuda berusia 20 tahun asal Redlands, California, AS ini telah menghabiskan waktu bersama 15 balon tiup kesukaannya selama enam tahun. Bahkan Mark mengaku enggan dipisahkan dengan 'teman-temannya' itu walaupun hanya sehari.

Dalam kesehariannya, Mark juga tidur bersama mainan-mainannya yang berbentuk hewan seperti naga, ikan hiu dan jerapah ini hingga membuatkan mereka makanan agar mereka dapat makan malam bersama.

Selain itu menurut Mark, teman-teman plastiknya juga memiliki kepribadian yang berbeda-beda. Bahkan Mark menggambarkan jika beberapa mainannya suka mendengarkan sedangkan sejumlah mainan lainnya hanya suka tiduran sepanjang hari.

Yang mengejutkan, baru-baru ini Mark mengaku jatuh cinta pada salah satu balon tiup kesukaannya yang diberi nama Lila. Bagi mahasiswa ini, Lila adalah cinta dalam hidupnya sehingga ia pun berniat menikahi si balon tiup berbentuk naga tersebut.

Mark pertama kali menyukai balon tiup ketika berusia 14 tahun. Katanya waktu itu ia haus kasih sayang yang tak pernah ia peroleh dari ibunya. Lalu mengapa Mark memilih balon tiup?

"Mereka lembut dan enak dipeluk, bahkan makin besar ukuran mereka itu akan makin baik. Itu berarti cintanya makin besar," kata Mark seperti dikutip dari The Sun, Senin (18/2/2013).

Tapi lain halnya dengan pendapat teman Mark, Josh. "Ketika pertama kali saya tahu tentang balon-balon tiup milik Mark, saya kira itu aneh, atau bagaimana Anda bisa begitu menyukai sesuatu yang tak benar-benar nyata," ujarnya.

Beruntung Mark berkenan menemui seorang psikolog setelah kisah hidupnya akan ditayangkan di sebuah acara reality show bertajuk My Strange Addiction. Itupun berkat bujukan Josh dan sepupu Mark, Matt yang mendorongnya untuk meminta bantuan mengatasi gangguan kejiwaannya.

Namun kendati psikolog berhasil membantunya berinteraksi dengan lebih banyak orang, Mark masih enggan membuang 'teman-temannya' dan tetap menyimpannya di rumah.

Inflated love: Mark, 20, is obsessed with inflatables toys and claims to be in love with a blow-up yellow dragon called Lila
Inflated love: Mark, 20, is obsessed with inflatables toys and claims to be in love with a blow-up yellow dragon called Lila

Time for tea: Mark, 20, from Redlands, California, sits down to dinner with four inflatable friends who also have servings of food laid out for them
Time for tea: Mark, 20, from Redlands, California, sits down to dinner with four inflatable friends who also have servings of food laid out for them

Constant companions: Mark refuses to be separated from his inflatables for more than a day
Constant companions: Mark refuses to be separated from his inflatables for more than a day
Confession: Mark talks about his obsession on the TLC show My Strange Addiction
Confession: Mark talks about his obsession on the TLC show My Strange Addiction

Bedtime: Mark also sleeps with his inflatables - often cuddling up to them
Bedtime: Mark also sleeps with his inflatables - often cuddling up to them

Six year addiction: Mark believes his addiction began when he was just 14 years old
Six year addiction: Mark believes his addiction began when he was just 14 years old

For better or worse: Mark says he would marry his favourite Lila - pictured - because he loves her
For better or worse: Mark says he would marry his favourite Lila - pictured - because he loves her

Quite a collection: Mark has a total of 15 blow up pool toys - which are kept inflated at all times - at his home
Quite a collection: Mark has a total of 15 blow up pool toys - which are kept inflated at all times - at his home

Joined at the hip: Mark takes his inflatables with him when he leaves the house
Joined at the hip: Mark takes his inflatables with him when he leaves the house

Splashing around: Mark became obsessed with the blow-up toys after he got an inflatable for the swimming pool
Splashing around: Mark became obsessed with the blow-up toys after he got an inflatable for the swimming pool
Having a whale of a time: Mark kisses his inflatable killer whale before going to sleep
Having a whale of a time: Mark kisses his inflatable killer whale before going to sleep

Loving: Mark claims the inflatables are a replacement for the affection he never received from his mother
Loving: Mark claims the inflatables are a replacement for the affection he never received from his mother

Bath-time: Mark gives all of his inflatables a bath and treats them like his babies
Bath-time: Mark gives all of his inflatables a bath and treats them like his babies

Working progress: Mark has been seeing a psychologist to help with his addiction
Working progress: Mark has been seeing a psychologist to help with his addiction

Cuddly toys: Mark says he loves the softness of the inflatables because he can cuddle them
Cuddly toys: Mark says he loves the softness of the inflatables because he can cuddle them

Young love: Mark and his inflatable yellow dragon Lila sit on a sofa to watch TV
Young love: Mark and his inflatable yellow dragon Lila sit on a sofa to watch TV

Study partner: Mark has his inflatables round him all the time - even when he is studying
Study partner: Mark has his inflatables round him all the time - even when he is studying

Mark has started interacting with people again but still won't give up his inflatables
Mark has started interacting with people again but still won't give up his inflatables


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Ditulis oleh: Juri Seo

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