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Cara Menginstall WinRar

Extract winrar dengan cara:

1. Klik kanan pada file wrar 390 yang telah kalian download kemudian klik extract all. (lihat gambar dibawah ini)

2. Klik next pada kotak dialog seperti gambar dibawah ini
Step 2
3. Klik next
Step 3
4. Klik  Finish
Step 4
Maka secara otomatis akan tampil file winrar yang telah diekstraksi.

     Intall winrar dengan cara seperti dibawah ini:

1. Double klik pada file winrar yang telah di ekstraksi

2. Pada kotak dialog seperti dibawah ini, klik install.
Step 5
3. Klik OK
Step 6

4. Klik Done
Step 7
     Winrar sudah terinstall di komputer Anda
Semoga Bermanfaat

Misteri Fenomena Sleep Paralysis Tidur Seperti di Tindih Setan

Kamu membuka mata. Baru saja kamu tidur selama beberapa jam. Kamu bisa merasakan pikiranmu melayang-layang antara sadar dan tidak. Sambil berusaha mengumpulkan kesadaranmu, kamu mencoba untuk bangun. Tetapi, ada sesuatu yang tidak beres. Tubuhmu tidak bisa bergerak, nafasmu sesak, seakan-akan ada makhluk tidak terlihat yang menginjak dadamu. Kamu membuka mulutmu dan hendak berteriak, tidak ada suara yang keluar. Seseorang sedang mencekik leherku, pikirmu. Ada sesuatu yang tidak beres.

Ya, kalian mengerti maksudnya. Kita semua pernah mengalaminya. Sebagian menyebut fenomena ini dengan sebutan tindih hantu atau erep-erep. Entah apa kata resmi bahasa Indonesianya. Dont worry, anda tidak sedang diganggu makhluk halus. Ini penjelasan ilmiahnya.

Pada saat mengalami ini biasanya kita akan sulit sekali bergerak dan kemudian ada sedikit rasa dingin menjalar dari ujung kaki ke seluruh tubuh.
Untuk bisa bangun, satu-satunya cara adalah menggerakkan ujung kaki, ujung tangan atau kepala sekencang-kencangnya hingga seluruh tubuh bisa digerakkan kembali, biasanya disertai juga dengan munculnya bayangan kegelapan. Hal inilah yang diasumsikan “ketindihan” makhluk halus orang sebagian besar orang.

Sleep Paralysis
Menurut medis, keadaan ketika orang akan tidur atau bangun tidur merasa sesak napas seperti dicekik, dada sesak, badan sulit bergerak dan sulit berteriak disebut sleep paralysis alias tidur lumpuh (karena tubuh tak bisa bergerak dan serasa lumpuh).
Hampir setiap orang pernah mengalaminya. Setidaknya sekali atau dua kali dalam hidupnya. Sleep paralysis bisa terjadi pada siapa saja, lelaki atau perempuan.

Dan usia rata-rata orang pertama kali mengalami gangguan tidur ini adalah 14-17 tahun. Sleep paralysis alias tindihan ini memang bisa berlangsung dalam hitungan detik hingga menit.
Yang menarik, saat tindihan terjadi kita sering mengalami halusinasi, seperti melihat sosok atau bayangan hitam di sekitar tempat tidur. Tak heran, fenomena ini pun sering dikaitkan dengan hal mistis.
Di dunia Barat, fenomena tindihan sering disebut mimpi buruk inkubus atau old hag berdasarkan bentuk bayangan yang muncul. Ada juga yang merasa melihat agen rahasia asing atau alien.
Sementara di beberapa lukisan abad pertengahan, tindihan digambarkan dengan sosok roh jahat menduduki dada seorang perempuan hingga ia ketakutan dan sulit bernapas.

Kurang Tidur
Menurut Al Cheyne, peneliti dari Universitas Waterloo, Kanada, sleep paralysis, adalah sejenis halusinasi karena adanya malfungsi tidur di tahap rapid eye movement (REM). Sebagai pengetahuan, berdasarkan gelombang otak, tidur terbagi dalam 4 tahapan.

Tahapan itu adalah tahap tidur paling ringan (kita masih setengah sadar), tahap tidur yang lebih dalam, tidur paling dalam dan tahap REM.
Pada tahap inilah mimpi terjadi. Saat kondisi tubuh terlalu lelah atau kurang tidur, gelombang otak tidak mengikuti tahapan tidur yang seharusnya. Jadi, dari keadaan sadar (saat hendak tidur) ke tahap tidur paling ringan, lalu langsung melompat ke mimpi (REM).

Ketika otak mendadak terbangun dari tahap REM tapi tubuh belum, di sinilah sleep paralysis terjadi. Kita merasa sangat sadar, tapi tubuh tak bisa bergerak. Ditambah lagi adanya halusinasi muncul sosok lain yang sebenarnya ini merupakan ciri khas dari mimpi.

Selain itu, sleep paralysis juga bisa disebabkan sesuatu yang tidak dapat dikontrol. Akibatnya, muncul stres dan terbawa ke dalam mimpi. Lingkungan kerja pun ikut berpengaruh. Misalnya, Anda bekerja dalam shift sehingga kekurangan tidur atau memiliki pola tidur yang tidak teratur.
Meski biasa terjadi, gangguan tidur ini patut diwaspadai. Pasalnya, sleep paralysis bisa juga merupakan pertanda narcolepsy (serangan tidur mendadak tanpa tanda-tanda mengantuk), sleep apnea (mendengkur), kecemasan, atau depresi.

Jika Anda sering mengalami gangguan tidur ini, sebaiknya buat catatan mengenai pola tidur selama beberapa minggu. Ini akan membantu Anda mengetahui penyebabnya. Lalu, atasi dengan menghindari pemicu. Bila tindihan diakibatkan terlalu lelah, coba lebih banyak beristirahat.
Kurang tidur pun tidak boleh dianggap remeh. Jika sudah menimbulkan sleep paralysis, kondisinya berarti sudah berat. Segera evaluasi diri dan cukupi kebutuhan tidur. Usahakan tidur 8-10 jam pada jam yang sama setiap malam.

Perlu diketahui juga, seep paralysis umumnya terjadi pada orang yang tidur dalam posisi telentang (wajah menghadap ke atas dan hampir nyenyak atau dalam keadaan hampir terjaga dari tidur). Itu sebabnya, kita perlu sering mengubah posisi tidur untuk mengurangi risiko terserang gangguan tidur ini.
Nah, jika tindihan disertai gejala lain, ada baiknya segera ke dokter ahli tidur atau laboratorium tidur untuk diperiksa lebih lanjut. Biasanya dokter akan menanyakan kapan tindihan dimulai dan sudah berlangsung berapa lama. Catatan yang telah Anda buat tadi akan sangat membantu ketika memeriksakan diri ke dokter.

Download GTA Vice City

Gta Vice City Download

Grand Theft Auto Vice City Full Version Game

Game Description:
Gta Vice City Download
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories was released in 2002, an open world action-adventure video game developed by the Rockstars. It is the second 3D game in the Grand Theft Auto video game series. This is the most played game throughout the world. Last yearr, Grand Theft Auto III took the world by surprise. Whereas the primary two video games in the collection had a small, arduous-core following, their easy 2D graphics and lack of a focused narrative construction limited their appeal. Then again, GTAIII featured a large, clockwork world that was actually impressive to behold, and it refined its predecessors' free-roaming, nonlinear design and added a much more compelling story within the process. Those enhancements, coupled with wonderful car physics, a shocking amount of selection within the gameplay, and an awesome sense of style, made GTAIII a runaway hit and one of many uncommon games that's accepted by each hard-core and informal recreation players alike. However as good as Grand Theft Auto III is, the subsequent sport within the series, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, improves upon it. Vice City expands on the themes and ideas present in Grand Theft Auto III, fixes a couple of of the minor points within the last game, and adds loads of new abilities and objects to play with. All of it comes together to type one of the crucial fashionable and most fulfilling video games ever released.
GTA Vice City PC Game:
Gta Vice City Download
Vice City comprises a superb variety of advantageous automobiles. The brand new GTA game is ready in a fictional tackle Miami, Florida, often called Vice City. The 12 months is 1986, and Tommy Vercetti has just been released from prison after doing a 15-year stretch for the mob. The mob--more specifically, the Forelli household appreciates Tommy's refusal to squeal in exchange for a lesser sentence, so they send him down to Vice City to ascertain some new operations. Tommy's first order of business in Vice Metropolis is to attain a large amount of cocaine to work with. But Tommy's first drug deal goes sour, leaving him with no money, no cocaine, and no concept who wronged him. The mob is, of course, offended over the whole state of affairs, and now Tommy has to make up for the loss before the gangsters come down from Liberty City to wash up the mess. As Tommy, you will begin the investigation, determine who ripped you off, care for business, and set up shop in Vice Metropolis in a giant, huge way. Oh, and you may also drive taxis, get involved in a turf conflict between the Cubans and the Haitians, befriend a Scottish rock group named Love Fist, turn out to be a pizza supply boy, smash up the native mall, demolish a constructing to decrease real property prices, hook up with a biker gang, run an adult movie studio, take down a financial institution, and far, much more.

GTA Vice City Gameplay:
Gta Vice City Download

In Vice City Stories Players can steal vehicles, cars, boats, motorcycles, and even helicopters, part
ake in drive-by shootings, robberies, and generally create chaos. However, doing so tends to generate unwanted and potentially fatal attention from the police or, in extreme ca
ses, the FBI and even the National Guard. Police behavior is mostly similar to Grand Theft Auto III PC Game, although police units will now wield night sticks, deploy spike strips to puncture the tires of the player's car, as well as SWAT teams from flying police helicopters and the aforementioned undercover police units, Miami Vice. Police attention can be neutralized in a variety of ways like standing on the Stars or applying cheats.

GTA Vice City Cheats:
In Vice city the player can apply different cheats during the gameplay that makes this game very easy and more rocking like if your wanted level is full you can type "leavemealone" and the wanted level will be removed. If you want cheat codes then see Gta Vice City PC Cheats
System Requirements:

Minimum System Requirements:

800 MHz Intel Pentium III or 800 MHz AMD Athlon or 1.2GHz Intel Celeron or 1.2 GHz AMD Duron processor
128 MB of RAM
8 speed CD / DVD drive
915 MB of free hard disk space (+ 635 MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression)
32 MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers (“GeForce” or better)
Sound Card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers Keyboard & Mouse

Recommended System Requirements:

Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon XP processor 256(+) MB of RAM
16 speed CD / DVD drive
1.55 GB of free hard disk space (+ 635 MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression)
64(+) MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers (“GeForce 3? / “Radeon 8500? or better with DirectX Texture Compression support)
DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card with surround sound
Gamepad (USB or Joystick Port)
Keyboard & Mouse

 Gta Vice City Screenshots 

Gta Vice City Download

Gta Vice City Download

Gta Vice City Download

Gta vice city pc cheats codes
Gta Vice City Download

Gta Vice City Download

 Mediafire Links 

GTA Vice City Cheat

Gta vice city pc cheats codes

Grand Theft Auto Vice City PC Cheats

Gta vice city pc cheats codes
Are you trying to do some specific Missions in Grand Theft Auto Vice City and fail beacause of difficulty or something else? Before utter frustration sets in or if your just looking to have some more fun, you may want to take a look at these cheat codes for Gta Vice City. These Vice City cheats only work for the PC version Game and include everything from health and weapon cheats to vehicle and general game play cheats. For the desired affect just type in the red code listed below anytime during game play and Enjoyyy !!!
If you don't have the game yet Download Gta Vice City PC Game Full Version.

Weapons/Health Vice City cheats:


Gta vice city pc cheats codes

Cheats                                           Effects
aspirine                                          Max health
canttakeitanymore                         Suicide
thugstools                                      Thug Weapons
professionaltools                           Professional weapons
nuttertools                                     Heavy weapons
preciousprotection                        Full armor
youwonttakemealive                     Increase wanted level
leavemealone                                Decrease wanted level

Vehicle Vice City Cheats:

Cheats                                              Effects
bigbang                                        Destroy all cars
wheelsareallineed                        Strip cars
comeflywithme                            Flying dodo car
greenlight                                    All traffic lights are green
miamitraffic                                 Traffic moves faster
travelinstyle                                 Flying car
panzer                                         Spawn a tank
thelastride                                    Spawn a hearse
rockandrollcar                             Spawn a limo
rubbishcar                                   Spawn a garbage truck
gettherefast                                 Spawn a sabre turbo
betterthanwalking                       Spwan a caddy
gettherequickly                           Fast car
getthereveryfastindeed               Faster car
getthereamazinglyfast                 Fastest car
iwantitpaintedblack                     Black traffic
seaways                                      Cars float on water
gripiseverything                          Improved car handling
ahairdresserscar                          Pink cars
loadsoflittlethings                        Change wheel size

General Game Play/Character Vice City Cheats:

Cheats                                                  Effects
apleasantday                                    Nice weather
alovelyday                                       Great weather
abitdrieg                                           Cloudy weather
catsanddogs                                     Rain
cantseeathing                                   Fog
lifeispassingmeby                             Speed up game
stilllikedressingup                             Change pedestrian clothes
fightfightfight                                    Pedestrian riot
nobodylikesme                                 Pedestrians attack you
ourgodgivenrighttobeararms            Pedestrians have weapons
onspeed                                           Walk faster
booooooring                                    Walk Slower
chickswithguns                                Bikini women with guns
chasestat                                          See wanted stats
fannymagnet                                    Tommy groupies
certaindeath                                     Tommy starts smoking
deepfriedmarsbars                           Tommy is fatter
programmer                                     Tommy has thing arms and legs
hopingirl                                           Pedestrians get in your car
cheatshavebeencracked                  Play as Ricardo Diaz
looklikelance                                    Play as Lance Vance
mysonisalawyer                                Play as Ken Rosenberg
looklikehilary                                    Play as Hilary King
rockandrollman                                Play as Love Fist character (Jezz)
weloveourdick                                  Play as Love Fist character (Dick)
onearmedbandit                               Play as Phil Cassidy
idonthavethemoneysonny                Play as Sonny Forelli
foxylittlething                                   Play as Mercedes

Gta Vice City Map Help:

Here comes the Map of Gta Vice City Game with discription. Just open that Image in new tab and save it on your Desktop. Now open, zoom and it will show give you the Vice City Map Guidance......Enjoyyyyy !!!

Gta vice city pc cheats codes

Grand Theft Auto 3 Download

gta 3 download

Grand Theft Auto 3:
This game is also referred as GTA 3 grand theft auto 3 GTA III Grand theft auto III etc.

gta 3 downloadGrand Theft Auto III is a sandbox-style action-adventure computer and video game developed by DMA Design (now Rockstar North), and published by Rockstar Games. It is the first 3D title in the Grand Theft Auto (GTA) series, the third original console release and the fifth original title overall. It was released in October 2001 for the PlayStation 2 but later released on, May 2002 for Windows, and in November 2003 for the Xbox. The game is preceded by Grand Theft Auto 2 and succeeded by Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. GTA III is set in modern Liberty City, a fictional metropolitan city.

The game follows a nameless criminal who was betrayed by his girlfriend in a bank heist, and is required to work his way up the crime ladder of the city before confronting her. GTA III is composed of elements from driving games and third-person shooters, and like its predecessors, implements sandbox-like gameplay, where the player is given the freedom to explore a large city, complete missions, commit criminal acts, or complete side missions.

If you have already played this game and bored with then you must try the Game Gta Vice City. The most played game amongst the Gta Series.

Gta 3 PC Cheats:
In Gta 3 game the player can apply different cheats during the gameplay that makes the game very easy and more rocking like if your wanted level is full you can type "nopoliceplease" and the wanted level will be removed. If you want cheat codes then see Gta 3 PC Cheats


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 Mediafire Link 

Click Here To Download

Grand Theft Auto 3 Cheat

gta 3 logo

Grand Theft Auto 3 PC Cheats:
While playing the game, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. If you entered the code correctly, the message "Cheat Activated" will appear.

Note: If you don't have the game yet Download Gta 3 PC Game Full Version Here. Remember! Cheat Codes can be entered multiple times. For example, keep typing "gunsgunsguns" and you will have more ammunition as well as all guns. The "giveusatank" code can only be activated four times.

Cheats                                                      Code
All weapons           gunsgunsguns

Extra money                                           ifiwerearichman

Full health                                                gesundheit

Higher wanted level     morepoliceplease

Lower wanted level     nopoliceplease

Tank (Rhino)                                             giveusatank

Destroy all cars                                        bangbangbang

Change costume                                     ilikedressingup

Crazy pedestrians                                   itsallgoingmaaad

All pedestrians attack you                      nobodylikesme

Pedestrians fight each other                    weaponsforall

Time advances quicker                         timeflieswhenyou

Very fast game clock                                madweather

Faster game play                                      boooooring

100% armor                                               turtoise

Clear weather                                       skincancerforme

Cloudy weather                                       ilikescotland

Rainy weather                                        ilovescotland

Foggy weather                                           peasoup

Invisible cars; wheels only                      anicesetofwheels

Flying car                                                chittychittybb

Improved car handling                             cornerslikemad

Gore mode                                             nastylimbscheat

Custom music:
Copy some of your favorite MP3 files into the "mp3" folder in the game folder. Start the game and you will have a new radio station titled "mp3 player". Choose it to hear your own selections.

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GTA 3 Maps:

gta 3 map

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Fiddler (Search on Google)
Swf << Click
Mozilla Firefox

  1. Download Fiddler
  2. Download swf
  3. Drag swf to Fiddler
  4. Open Ninja Saga (Do not Click Play)
  5. Clear Browser Cache
  6. Log in Ninja Saga
  7. Select the season you get what you want

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  • Syaikh Solah Sudair
Nomor Surat
Nama Surat
Dengerin Ajah
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2Surat Al-Baqara( mp3 )( mp3 )
3Surat Aal-E-Imran( mp3 )( mp3 )
4Surat An-Nisa( mp3 )( mp3 )
5Surat Al-Maeda( mp3 )( mp3 )
6Surat Al-Anaam( mp3 )( mp3 )
7Surat Al-Araf( mp3 )( mp3 )
8Surat Al-Anfal( mp3 )( mp3 )
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13Surat Ar-Rad( mp3 )( mp3 )
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16Surat An-Nahl( mp3 )( mp3 )
17Surat Al-Isra( mp3 )( mp3 )
18Surat Al-Kahf( mp3 )( mp3 )
19Surat Maryam( mp3 )( mp3 )
20Surat Ta-Ha( mp3 )( mp3 )
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22Surat Al-Hajj( mp3 )( mp3 )
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24Surat An-Noor( mp3 )( mp3 )
25Surat Al-Furqan( mp3 )( mp3 )
26Surat Ash-Shuara( mp3 )( mp3 )
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28Surat Al-Qasas( mp3 )( mp3 )
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31Surat Luqman( mp3 )( mp3 )
32Surat As-Sajda( mp3 )( mp3 )
33Surat Al-Ahzab( mp3 )( mp3 )
34Surat Saba( mp3 )( mp3 )
35Surat Fatir( mp3 )( mp3 )
36Surat Ya-Seen( mp3 )( mp3 )
37Surat As-Saaffat( mp3 )( mp3 )
38Surat Sad( mp3 )( mp3 )
39Surat Az-Zumar( mp3 )( mp3 )
40Surat Ghafir( mp3 )( mp3 )
41Surat Fussilat( mp3 )( mp3 )
42Surat Ash-Shura( mp3 )( mp3 )
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45Surat Al-Jathiya( mp3 )( mp3 )
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47Surat Muhammad( mp3 )( mp3 )
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56Surat Al-Waqia( mp3 )( mp3 )
57Surat Al-Hadid( mp3 )( mp3 )
58Surat Al-Mujadila( mp3 )( mp3 )
59Surat Al-Hashr( mp3 )( mp3 )
60Surat Al-Mumtahina( mp3 )( mp3 )
61Surat As-Saff( mp3 )( mp3 )
62Surat Al-Jumua( mp3 )( mp3 )
63Surat Al-Munafiqoon( mp3 )( mp3 )
64Surat At-Taghabun( mp3 )( mp3 )
65Surat At-Talaq( mp3 )( mp3 )
66Surat At-Tahrim( mp3 )( mp3 )
67Surat Al-Mulk( mp3 )( mp3 )
68Surat Al-Qalam( mp3 )( mp3 )
69Surat Al-Haaqqa( mp3 )( mp3 )
70Surat Al-Maarij( mp3 )( mp3 )
71Surat Nooh( mp3 )( mp3 )
72Surat Al-Jinn( mp3 )( mp3 )
73Surat Al-Muzzammil( mp3 )( mp3 )
74Surat Al-Muddaththir( mp3 )( mp3 )
75Surat Al-Qiyama( mp3 )( mp3 )
76Surat Al-Insan( mp3 )( mp3 )
77Surat Al-Mursalat( mp3 )( mp3 )
78Surat An-Naba( mp3 )( mp3 )
79Surat An-Naziat( mp3 )( mp3 )
80Surat Abasa( mp3 )( mp3 )
81Surat At-Takwir( mp3 )( mp3 )
82Surat Al-Infitar( mp3 )( mp3 )
83Surat Al-Mutaffifin( mp3 )( mp3 )
84Surat Al-Inshiqaq( mp3 )( mp3 )
85Surat Al-Burooj( mp3 )( mp3 )
86Surat At-Tariq( mp3 )( mp3 )
87Surat Al-Ala( mp3 )( mp3 )
88Surat Al-Ghashiya( mp3 )( mp3 )
89Surat Al-Fajr( mp3 )( mp3 )
90Surat Al-Balad( mp3 )( mp3 )
91Surat Ash-Shams( mp3 )( mp3 )
92Surat Al-Lail( mp3 )( mp3 )
93Surat Ad-Dhuha( mp3 )( mp3 )
94Surat Al-Inshirah( mp3 )( mp3 )
95Surat At-Tin( mp3 )( mp3 )
96Surat Al-Alaq( mp3 )( mp3 )
97Surat Al-Qadr( mp3 )( mp3 )
98Surat Al-Bayyina( mp3 )( mp3 )
99Surat Az-Zalzala( mp3 )( mp3 )
100Surat Al-Adiyat( mp3 )( mp3 )
101Surat Al-Qaria( mp3 )( mp3 )
102Surat At-Takathur( mp3 )( mp3 )
103Surat Al-Asr( mp3 )( mp3 )
104Surat Al-Humaza( mp3 )( mp3 )
105Surat Al-Fil( mp3 )( mp3 )
106Surat Quraish( mp3 )( mp3 )
107Surat Al-Maun( mp3 )( mp3 )
108Surat Al-Kauther( mp3 )( mp3 )
109Surat Al-Kafiroon( mp3 )( mp3 )
110Surat An-Nasr( mp3 )( mp3 )
111Surat Al-Masadd( mp3 )( mp3 )
112Surat Al-Ikhlas( mp3 )( mp3 )
113Surat Al-Falaq( mp3 )( mp3 )
114Surat An-Nas( mp3 )( mp3 )
  • Syaikh Abdurrahman As-Sudais
Nomor Surat
Nama Surat
Dengerin Ajah
Download di sini
1Surat Al-Fatiha( mp3 )( mp3 )
2Surat Al-Baqara( mp3 )( mp3 )
3Surat Aal-E-Imran( mp3 )( mp3 )
4Surat An-Nisa( mp3 )( mp3 )
5Surat Al-Maeda( mp3 )( mp3 )
6Surat Al-Anaam( mp3 )( mp3 )
7Surat Al-Araf( mp3 )( mp3 )
8Surat Al-Anfal( mp3 )( mp3 )
9Surat At-Tawba( mp3 )( mp3 )
10Surat Yunus( mp3 )( mp3 )
11Surat Hud( mp3 )( mp3 )
12Surat Yusuf( mp3 )( mp3 )
13Surat Ar-Rad( mp3 )( mp3 )
14Surat Ibrahim( mp3 )( mp3 )
15Surat Al-Hijr( mp3 )( mp3 )
16Surat An-Nahl( mp3 )( mp3 )
17Surat Al-Isra( mp3 )( mp3 )
18Surat Al-Kahf( mp3 )( mp3 )
19Surat Maryam( mp3 )( mp3 )
20Surat Ta-Ha( mp3 )( mp3 )
21Surat Al-Anbiya( mp3 )( mp3 )
22Surat Al-Hajj( mp3 )( mp3 )
23Surat Al-Mumenoon( mp3 )( mp3 )
24Surat An-Noor( mp3 )( mp3 )
25Surat Al-Furqan( mp3 )( mp3 )
26Surat Ash-Shuara( mp3 )( mp3 )
27Surat An-Naml( mp3 )( mp3 )
28Surat Al-Qasas( mp3 )( mp3 )
29Surat Al-Ankaboot( mp3 )( mp3 )
30Surat Ar-Room( mp3 )( mp3 )
31Surat Luqman( mp3 )( mp3 )
32Surat As-Sajda( mp3 )( mp3 )
33Surat Al-Ahzab( mp3 )( mp3 )
34Surat Saba( mp3 )( mp3 )
35Surat Fatir( mp3 )( mp3 )
36Surat Ya-Seen( mp3 )( mp3 )
37Surat As-Saaffat( mp3 )( mp3 )
38Surat Sad( mp3 )( mp3 )
39Surat Az-Zumar( mp3 )( mp3 )
40Surat Ghafir( mp3 )( mp3 )
41Surat Fussilat( mp3 )( mp3 )
42Surat Ash-Shura( mp3 )( mp3 )
43Surat Az-Zukhruf( mp3 )( mp3 )
44Surat Ad-Dukhan( mp3 )( mp3 )
45Surat Al-Jathiya( mp3 )( mp3 )
46Surat Al-Ahqaf( mp3 )( mp3 )
47Surat Muhammad( mp3 )( mp3 )
48Surat Al-Fath( mp3 )( mp3 )
49Surat Al-Hujraat( mp3 )( mp3 )
50Surat Qaf( mp3 )( mp3 )
51Surat Adh-Dhariyat( mp3 )( mp3 )
52Surat At-Tur( mp3 )( mp3 )
53Surat An-Najm( mp3 )( mp3 )
54Surat Al-Qamar( mp3 )( mp3 )
55Surat Ar-Rahman( mp3 )( mp3 )
56Surat Al-Waqia( mp3 )( mp3 )
57Surat Al-Hadid( mp3 )( mp3 )
58Surat Al-Mujadila( mp3 )( mp3 )
59Surat Al-Hashr( mp3 )( mp3 )
60Surat Al-Mumtahina( mp3 )( mp3 )
61Surat As-Saff( mp3 )( mp3 )
62Surat Al-Jumua( mp3 )( mp3 )
63Surat Al-Munafiqoon( mp3 )( mp3 )
64Surat At-Taghabun( mp3 )( mp3 )
65Surat At-Talaq( mp3 )( mp3 )
66Surat At-Tahrim( mp3 )( mp3 )
67Surat Al-Mulk( mp3 )( mp3 )
68Surat Al-Qalam( mp3 )( mp3 )
69Surat Al-Haaqqa( mp3 )( mp3 )
70Surat Al-Maarij( mp3 )( mp3 )
71Surat Nooh( mp3 )( mp3 )
72Surat Al-Jinn( mp3 )( mp3 )
73Surat Al-Muzzammil( mp3 )( mp3 )
74Surat Al-Muddaththir( mp3 )( mp3 )
75Surat Al-Qiyama( mp3 )( mp3 )
76Surat Al-Insan( mp3 )( mp3 )
77Surat Al-Mursalat( mp3 )( mp3 )
78Surat An-Naba( mp3 )( mp3 )
79Surat An-Naziat( mp3 )( mp3 )
80Surat Abasa( mp3 )( mp3 )
81Surat At-Takwir( mp3 )( mp3 )
82Surat Al-Infitar( mp3 )( mp3 )
83Surat Al-Mutaffifin( mp3 )( mp3 )
84Surat Al-Inshiqaq( mp3 )( mp3 )
85Surat Al-Burooj( mp3 )( mp3 )
86Surat At-Tariq( mp3 )( mp3 )
87Surat Al-Ala( mp3 )( mp3 )
88Surat Al-Ghashiya( mp3 )( mp3 )
89Surat Al-Fajr( mp3 )( mp3 )
90Surat Al-Balad( mp3 )( mp3 )
91Surat Ash-Shams( mp3 )( mp3 )
92Surat Al-Lail( mp3 )( mp3 )
93Surat Ad-Dhuha( mp3 )( mp3 )
94Surat Al-Inshirah( mp3 )( mp3 )
95Surat At-Tin( mp3 )( mp3 )
96Surat Al-Alaq( mp3 )( mp3 )
97Surat Al-Qadr( mp3 )( mp3 )
98Surat Al-Bayyina( mp3 )( mp3 )
99Surat Az-Zalzala( mp3 )( mp3 )
100Surat Al-Adiyat( mp3 )( mp3 )
101Surat Al-Qaria( mp3 )( mp3 )
102Surat At-Takathur( mp3 )( mp3 )
103Surat Al-Asr( mp3 )( mp3 )
104Surat Al-Humaza( mp3 )( mp3 )
105Surat Al-Fil( mp3 )( mp3 )
106Surat Quraish( mp3 )( mp3 )
107Surat Al-Maun( mp3 )( mp3 )
108Surat Al-Kauther( mp3 )( mp3 )
109Surat Al-Kafiroon( mp3 )( mp3 )
110Surat An-Nasr( mp3 )( mp3 )
111Surat Al-Masadd( mp3 )( mp3 )
112Surat Al-Ikhlas( mp3 )( mp3 )
113Surat Al-Falaq( mp3 )( mp3 )
114Surat An-Nas( mp3 )( mp3 )
Semoga Bermanfaat